Entrusting your child to our school’s care is a serious business – an act of faith and hope. In choosing us to educate your child, we become partners in caring for their health and wellbeing.
The SMH Wellness Program seeks to help each student develop the mindset and skills needed to live a healthy life, now and in the future. At every grade level, students are taught how to care for their bodies and social-emotional skills that promote mental health.
Operating from the belief that we must model what we teach, the program also promotes staff and faculty health through onsite health screenings, support groups focused on specific health needs and health education.
For more information, contact Assistant Head of School for Student Experience Dr. Sandra Lopez-Morales at (210) 483-9146 or slopezmorales@smhall.org.
Meet the Team
Sandra Lopez-Morales has been at Saint Mary's Hall since 2019. You can reach her at (210) 483-9146 or slopezmorales@smhall.org.
Melissa Baumholtz has been at Saint Mary's Hall since 2014. You can reach her at (210) 483-9229 or mbaumholtz@smhall.org.
Dr. Fredricc Brock has been at Saint Mary's Hall since 2021. You can reach him at (210) 483-9278 or fbrock@smhall.org.
Susan Moore-Sickmann has been at Saint Mary's Hall since 1990. You can reach her at (210) 483-9284 or smoore@smhall.org.
Leslie Palmer has been at Saint Mary's Hall since 2004. You can reach her at (210) 483-9270 or lpalmer@smhall.org.