We will follow CDC guidelines for any students, faculty, or staff who test positive for COVID-19. We also have an SMH COVID-19 Response/Exposure Protocol in place. These guidelines include, but are not limited to, notifying the health department of a positive case, informing anyone in our community with potential exposure while maintaining confidentiality, and ensuring the Return to Campus Critera are met before the infected individual returns to campus.
Should there be someone who tests positive for COVID-19, Saint Mary’s Hall will follow CDC guidelines, notify our local health department, and work with the SMH Camp Health Provider. Once notified, SMH will begin the contact tracing process and notify those who may have been in close contact** with the individual(s) while they were on campus. While Metro Health will conduct the extensive aspect of contact tracing outside of our community, our SMH Camp Health Provider will focus on protecting and preventing the spread on our campus.
** Close contact is defined as less than 6 ft. separation for more than 15 minutes of uninterrupted or sustained contact within the same day, with or without a mask.
Return to Campus Criteria
In order to be allowed to return to campus, the following criteria must be met:
- 24 hours fever free without the use of medication
- Significant improvement in symptoms
- 10-day quarantine, starting when symptoms first appeared
In addition, the following guidelines will be observed:
- Anyone who exhibits symptoms associated with COVID-19 will not be allowed back on campus until the Return to Campus Criteria are met OR a physician provides a note indicating release to return to school.
- Anyone who is diagnosed with COVID-19 will not be allowed back on campus until the Return to Campus Criteria are met.
- Anyone who is exposed in school or at home will be required to follow a mandatory 14-day quarantine.
- If symptoms develop during this time, a mandatory additional 10-day quarantine will begin with the onset of symptoms or with a positive COVID-19 test.