News From the Hall
May 3, 2022
All-School NEWS
A message from Mr. Miller
When I reflect on just the last few days at Saint Mary's Hall, "wow" seems like an appropriate expression of awe for all of the truly delightful moments our community shared on this campus. Last week included the joy of Bishop's Day, the solemnity of our NJHS ceremony, and a truly beautiful evening of community and philanthropy with Passport. We are so grateful to our Passport Chairs, Emilie Petty '01 and Carla Brozovich '01. Due to them and the Passport committee's hard work and planning, our community laughed, played, and raised $650,000 for our School, a great success.
One of my favorite moments last week was when Patrick Cunningham, our Technical Director and Theater Manager, who is retiring after 27 years at the Hall, gave the keynote speech at our Cum Laude induction ceremony. His words brought our mission to life, and with his permission, I share them with you here:
Patrick Cunningham Cum Laude Speech, 4/28/22
Dr. Stockdale has asked me on this occasion to reflect on my time here at Saint Mary’s Hall.
When I arrived at SMH, over a quarter of a century ago, I had already had many and varied job experiences. Some were impersonal. They desired no input from me. Output only. I was a cog in the machine, easily replaced by any other cog.
In addition, I spent many years self-employed as an artist, where I was the one who had to make it happen. If I wanted to feed my family or pay my rent, it was up to me to make that happen. There was a certain sense of exhilaration that came with making it happen, but I was working alone. It was an individual effort.
However, after I arrived at Saint Mary’s Hall, got this theater open, and got settled into the job, I realized I was offered a unique opportunity. I found myself in a community that provided me a chance at making “it” happen, and that what I brought to the job both personally and professionally directly helped build our school community. But now, I didn’t have to do it alone. I had others: my colleagues, parents, and you the students-to help make “it” - the community -happen.
From this, I distilled my working mantra for SMH:
Your success is my success. How can I help you be successful?
And the very nature of my job allowed me to implement this in practical ways. Theater at its core is a collaborative art. Cast and crew come together to make “it” -a successful production- happen.
But I wanted to take this notion of giving outside of the walls of the theater and beyond the bounds of the job description.
- If the Lower School Library needs a cutout of a giant bookworm for the book fair, I am happy to do it because it helps their event be successful.
- If the English Department needs rolling walls and staging for National Day of Writing in the Ancira, I am happy to do it because it helps their event be successful.
- If Bishop’s Day needs a sound system and flags, I’m happy to do it because it helps their event be successful.
- If Admissions needs a set up in the Hearth Room for a New Families Meeting, I’m happy to do it because it helps their event be successful.
- If you need a set up in the Remmert for your club meetings or presentations, I am happy to do it because it helps you be successful.
And all these small successes help uplift the community as a whole.
I have found that when you are giving this way, it is best to do so fully and freely and without the expectation of any return. Sometimes it comes back to you, which is good but even better is when those you have freely given to, are inspired to give freely to others. So this would be my charge to you:
Find your gift. We all have one. You are still early on the path of finding yours, but find your gift and share it fully and freely, without expectations, and your life will be richer for it and the world will be a little better place.
Thank you for such wisdom, Mr. Cunningham. I know the next couple of weeks will hold many more special moments, and I look forward to celebrating each of them with you.
Warm regards,
Len Miller
Passport: Delight - Photo Album
closet clean-out!
The year has flown and my how our students have grown!
Parent Circle volunteers are ready to take in any school uniform pieces as well as dance and athletics gear that your student has outgrown or no longer needs.
Please bring your gently used items to you divisional carpool area beginning Friday, May 13. Collection bins will be in each area through the following week, ending on Friday, May 20.
And mark your calendars for the Uniform Upcycle Sale at the start of the 2022-2023 school year:
- Thursday, August 11 9:30am-11:30am
- Friday, August 12 8:30am-1:30pm
- Monday, August 15 8:30am-11:30am
May Baronista Specialty Drinks
Summer at the Hall - Register Now!
Anyone else ready for summer? Summer at Saint Mary’s Hall is!
Saint Mary's Hall offers eight weeks of academic, arts, athletics, and enrichment camps for your students, ages 3-18.
Click here to browse the full list of camps and courses. Classes are filling fast, so be sure to register soon!
Children from all over the San Antonio community and beyond are welcome to join, so be sure to tell your friends, family, and coworkers.
Summer at Saint Mary’s Hall is a great place to spend the hot summer days because here, CAMP IS COOL!
Major Dates Calendar
Major Dates for 2022-2023 calendar are announced! Print your calendar HERE!
Lunch Menu
Check out all of our daily dining options HERE!
Upper School
Upper School
Bishop's Day Photo Album
National Latin Vocabulary Exam Results
A small group of Latin students participated in the National Latin Vocabulary Exam (NLVE.) The exam not only tests a student’s knowledge of Latin vocabulary but also on specific lists of vocabulary relevant to a particular student’s level of Latin competency. Students must answer 70 questions in 45 minutes. Please congratulate the following students:
Bronze Medal
- Leonora Leykum '24
- Calista Wilkinson '25
Silver Medal
- Aarya Shah '24
Gold Medal
- Ashford Lipscomb '25
Senior Writer Published in Express-News
Congratulations to Form 12 student Ally Carter and her recent publication as a contributor to The San Antonio Express News. Ally’s piece “Wasted makeup ends up clogging landfills” is an article Ally wrote as a member of Express-News’ Teen Team program, which connects high school students with reporters, photographers, and other Express-News journalist for one-on-one training. Click HERE to check it out!
Mock French Elections
The second round of the mock French presidential elections took place April 21 -22 in class. The run-off election was between Anne Hidalgo (The Socialist Party) and Yannick Jadot (The Green party). Ballots were cast using a French voter ID, two ballots, and an envelope. Students presented their voter ID to Madame, and put their envelope in a clear container.
Monday, April 25, during Office Hours, French students watched as Madame counted all the ballots. Yannick Jadot (The Green Party) won 67% of the votes. Anne Hidalgo won 33%.
The French people cast their votes on Sunday, April 24. Results came out that same day and Emmanuel Macron (the incumbent President, Center) won 59% of the votes. Marine Le Pen received 41% (Far Right.)
Middle School
Middle School
From Mrs. Visagie...
Over the past few weeks, Middle School students have embarked on their experiential education overnight trips. Forms 7 and 8 traveled to Port Aransas and Form 6 traveled north to Camp Buckner. These experiences are integral to the development of our Middle School students. These trips help build the skills necessary for life-looking beyond their community, making real-world connections, working with others/collaborating, challenging themselves, building self-confidence, providing insight into their own interests and passions, seeing the strengths in others, and developing leadership. Not only do these trips help build skills for success in life, but they also speak to our core values of courage, respect, and responsibility. Every day, night and day, students had to navigate living with others beyond their nuclear family. They worked together, played together, ate together, and slept with many people in the same room. And as they returned to school, they began to reflect on their trips. Students may not understand how this experience has impacted who they are yet, but one day they will realize that a piece of who they are was informed by the experience of joining their classmates and teachers on their Middle School trip.
My first experiential trip occurred when I was in fifth grade. We spent the night on a whaling ship. It was… an experience. However, many years later, I remember it quite fondly. In fact, I can tell you exactly where I went for each of the next 3 years for my Middle School experiential trips and what I remember from each one. Once a faculty member, I went on at least one experiential trip (and sometimes more than one), until the year I was pregnant with my daughter eight years ago. Finally, this year, I made it back out and enjoyed an awesome experience with our Form 6. My own “outdoor educationess” reappeared as I climbed to the top of the high ropes course and inched along the cable, with only a harness to keep me from falling. (A much different feeling now that I have kids than when I was single…)
I have spent the night in cabins, tents, hotel rooms, and for three nights, on the back of a canoe with Middle School students. I have shared meals, laughs, and tears on trips. I have watched introverts become extroverts. I have watched quiet leaders rise to the top. I have watched students show courage and challenge themselves in new ways and have watched groups bond. I have seen a new sense of responsibility appear in students as well as seeing integrity shine in students when seeing something unjust. In my 25 years of educating Middle School students, as well as the years I spent in Middle School, I can honestly say that experiential/outdoor education experiences have a lasting effect on students. It was these experiences that helped shape my understanding of how far I could push myself, how I could collaborate with others, how to be a leader, and probably most importantly, how to respect those with different viewpoints. I learned to take responsibility for my actions as well as keeping my area of a cabin clean! Mom and Dad were not there to help me. Whether it is today, tomorrow or sometime in the future, I wonder how your child will reflect on the impact of their Middle School experiential education trips.
form 6 trip to camp buckner
Form 6 had an amazing time at Camp Buckner on April 20-22!
Start with ropes courses and kayaking, add in karaoke and s'mores; mix in a seriously competitive ping pong tournament, and you have the perfect recipe for fun to be had by all. It was the perfect way to relax, rejuvenate and gear up for the last weeks of Form 6.
Camp Buckner Photo Album
Middle School Councils Elect Officers
The Senate is very pleased to announce the 2022-2023 Officers:
- President- Charlotte Holmgreen ‘27
- Vice-President- Pearl Moore ‘28
- Secretary- Ryann Arrington ‘27
- Treasurer- Veeraj Bajaj ‘28
Senate Sponsors, Valerie Felger and Trevor Docwra congratulate these newly elected leaders and thank you to all students who ran!
Community Service Council Sponsors, Anne Allbritton and Missy Northington, would like to thank all of the students who participated in the recent election for next year’s officers. Your commitment to serve your fellow classmates and help make the Community Service Council be the very best it can be is to be highly commended. All students who ran for election demonstrated the courage to lead their peers by simply choosing to run for office. For those students not elected, we hope you will consider running for a Community Service Council Representative position in the fall. Please congratulate the Community Service Council Officers for 2022-2023!
- President – Bailey Swaney '27
- Vice President – Raj Isiguzo '28
- Secretary – Eve Cavazos '27
- Treasurer – Lorenzo Ramirez '28
The Sports Councils sponsors want to thank each and every student who ran in the Sports Council election! Your commitment to serve your fellow classmates and help make our SMH Middle School be the very best it can be is to be highly commended. We appreciate you all having the desire and courage to run for office. For those of you not elected, we hope you will continue to strive to be leaders in and out of the classroom and that you consider running for a representative position in the fall. Congratulations to the new officers!
The Sports Council Officers for 2022 – 2023 are:
- Captain – Reese Arrington '27
- Vice-Captain – Colt Kleberg '28
- Captain – Colston Book '27
- Vice-Captain – Mac Berridge '28
CSC Announces Two additional Service Opportunity
Join the Community Service Council in helping Snack Pak 4 Kids! The Community Service Council is organizing a peanut butter drive (lasting from May 2-11) in which students can bring 18-ounce creamy peanut butter jars (plastic) to donate to Snack Pak 4 Kids! Once donated, volunteers will put the peanut butter along with other food items in bags to give to kids in need of food. Every one in four kids in Texas are food insecure but donating some peanut butter might well change their lives! Studies also show that, after receiving a bag from Snack Pak 4 Kids, 71% of teachers saw a difference in their students’ academic performance. Remember, kids can’t learn when they’re hungry, but they can change the world when they’re full!
Also, the Middle School Community Service Council is hosting another service opportunity at Snack Pak 4 Kids on Thursday, May 12th, and we will be able to take 30 students this time. You may remember that this organization provides snack packs for food insecure elementary school children throughout San Antonio. Please click here to learn more about this organization. Students can plan to stay after school to work on HW and then eat a pizza dinner on campus at 4:45. We will load into an SMH bus at 5:30 which will take us to the Daily Bread Ministries Warehouse located at 3559 Belgium Lane, San Antonio, TX 78219. We plan to return to SMH around 7:30 for parent pick-up. The cost for this event is $5, which covers the cost of the meal and transportation. Please go to this google form to sign up and complete the SMH permission slip. Permission slips and $5 must be submitted by Monday, May 9th to Mrs. Northington or Mrs. Allbritton to secure your spot.
Form 8 Fitness
On April 18th, Mrs. Rayburn’s F8 Fitness class requested that they do some more holistic exercises, and thanks to Brian Kaestner, the class was able to go on a beautiful morning mindfulness walk.
National junior honor society
Fifty-two new members were inducted into the Saint Mary’s Hall Middle School’s National Junior Honor Society chapter on Wednesday, April 27.
The evening began with opening remarks by Mr. Len Miller, Head of School. NJHS Officers Dillon Daskevich, Jahan Sayeed, Lindsey Do and Riya Jampana led the ceremony by talking about the cardinal principles of the honor society: scholarship, leadership, service, character, and citizenship. The NJHS Pledge was administered by Mrs. Lourdes Saks and Mr. Chase Hebert, NJHS Sponsors.
The night concluded with speeches by current NJHS President Dillon Daskevich who talked about what true leadership looks like, Mr. Mike Mayberry, Assistant Head of Middle School, who encouraged the students to lead through example, and Mrs. Sarah Visagie, Head of Middle School, who spoke about the importance of working to achieve meaningful goals.
In addition to attaining a GPA of 3.7, students also had to demonstrate strong examples of leadership, service, character, and citizenship. The new inductees were awarded membership certificates and NJHS pins, which they can wear on their school ties.
Our induction ceremony was a memorable one, and our students appreciated all the family members and friends who were in attendance. Mr. Hebert and Sra. Saks look forward to working with our new inductees.
Form 8
- Isa Acosta
- Henry Ames
- Michael Davis
- Jay Huang
- Elizabeth (Ellie) Hunter
- Syla Muldowney
- Noah Rodríguez
- Henry Scott
- Jack Whittington
Form 7
- Annie Altmeyer
- Reese Arrington
- Ryann Arrington
- Rabani Bajaj
- Divya Beeram
- Britton Berridge
- Sebastian Bieler
- Sofia Blanco
- Colston Book
- William Boylston
- Fiona Briggs
- Hadley Bunch
- Eve Cavazos
- Tharun Cheruku
- Owen Colwell
- Asher DeVillena
- Max Elmendorf
- Francesca Fischer
- Steven Gates
- Jane Griffith
- Victoria Guerrero
- Aarav Gupta
- Clayton Hixon
- Charlotte Holmgreen
- Meryl Jones
- Jacob Kollars
- Joaquin Kypuros
- Saaya Mehta
- Lila Ogle
- Devika Patel
- Meriwether Rabke
- Natasha Rainbow
- Adah Sayeed
- Jack Schwab
- Bailey Swaney
- Benjamin Swaney
- Patricio Testas
- Lauren Thomas
- Selamir Treviño
- Mellie Ann Urban
- Inaaya Wali
- Clara Wallisch
- Reagan Warren
Mr. Mayberry’s Dean’s List for Kindness and Respect
The following people received nominations for the Middle School Dean’s List for Kindness and Respect:
- Brittany Girling ‘28
- Jane Zacharian ‘28
- Morgan Graf ‘28
- Reese Arrington ‘27
- Veeraj Bajaj ‘28
- Alton Behrend ‘28
- Deborah McInerney – Form 6 English Teacher
- Lourdes Saks – MS Spanish Teacher
- Mary Poarch – Form 6 Earth Science Teacher
As a reminder, any Middle School student or parent may nominate a fellow classmate or faculty member by sending Assistant Head of Middle School and Dean of Students Mike Mayberry an email describing the act of kindness or respect. These names will be shared weekly in the Middle School section of News From the Hall as well as announced during Middle School Monday morning announcements. We encourage everyone at SMH to have an attitude of kindness and respect, one that brings out the best in you and those around you!
National Latin VOcabulary exams
In early March, a group of Mr. Nicoll’s middle school Latin students participated in the National Latin Vocabulary Exam (NLVE). The NLVE is designed to test a student's knowledge of Latin vocabulary and is based solely on specific lists of Latin vocabulary relevant to a particular student's level of Latin. Students have 45 minutes to answer 70 questions. Please congratulate the following students who won medals of recognition:
Bronze Medal
- Fiona Briggs (F7)
- Megan LaMoy (F8)
- Inaaya Wali (F8)
Silver Medal
- Zain Ahmad '26
- Henry Ames '26
- Rabani Bajaj '27
- Sebastian Bieler '27
- Colston Book '27
- Matthew Dubois '26
- Jay Huang '26
- Bianca Rodriguez '26
Gold Medal
- Aarav Gupta '27
- Amruta Patel '26
Lower School
Lower School
Celebrating Earth Day
Students in Kindergarten Room 6 celebrated Earth Day by making reusable shopping bags and bird feeders, having a recycle relay, and by making recyclable art! They spent the week earning about the “Three R’s” (reduce, reuse, and recycle) and ways to conserve and take care of the environment! Check out their video here: Kindergarten teacher Jenny Graf shared this proverb that speaks to all, “We don’t inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children!”
Learning in Bloom in Montessori
Many marvelous learning activities were in bloom in Montessori classrooms this past month! From Fiesta Festivities to Awesome Art, a Captivating Concert, Easter Extravaganzas, Purposeful Planting and more, Montessori students had opportunities to learn and explore many topics.
PE Activities for Kindergarteners
During the spring, kindergarten students have been doing all sorts of activities in PE. Kindergarten students have worked on jump rope skills, hula-hoop skills, scooter skills, Frisbee games, gaga ball, cooperative activities and games that require a little more strategy and thinking. Enjoy watching them in action in this video.
Kindergarten PE Activities
Author Nathan Hale Visits SMH lower school
Graphic novelist Nathan Hale visited with Forms 2-5 in the Coates-Seeligson Theater on Friday, April 29. Mr. Hale amazed the audience as he drew while he talked about President Garfield. His story was both moving and highly entertaining. Mr. Hale conducted a graphic writing workshop with Form 5 in the afternoon. He also autographed his books. Students have been waiting for a visit from Mr. Hale for two years due to the pandemic and were not disappointed in the least! What an amazing author and speaker, and we hope to welcome him again!
Honoring Hispanic and Latino Americans
At the end of Multicultural week, Form 2 students recognized contributions made by Hispanic and Latino Americans to the United States and celebrated heritage and culture.
The students sang the marching song “A Song of Friendship”, in which they named the 21 Spanish-speaking countries around the world while holding each flag, honoring generations of Hispanic and Latino Americans who have influenced and enriched our nation and society.
Taking care of the earth in Form 5
Form 5 students created small posters in honor of Earth Day 2022. Readings in our Science World magazine highlighted this event as we learned about the collection of floating garbage in our world’s oceans and new ways scientists are trying to create rainfall by zapping clouds with electricity. Form 5 teacher Claire Damarodas said, “We all agreed it is important to take care of our Earth!”
Fine Arts
Fine Arts
Junior Wins 1st place in the nation at the University of Kentucky tournament of champions
After eight qualifying tournaments, three days, eighteen hours of debate, fifteen pieces of legislation, one National livestream, twenty-four hours of waiting for results, and twenty cups of tea, the Saint Mary’s Hall Barons Speech and Debate Team have a National Championship. Form eleven student Anish Beeram out-spoke, out-thought, out-debated, and out-lasted all one hundred and eighty-seven competitors at the University of Kentucky Tournament of Champions and is the 2021-2022 Congressional Debate National Champion.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Tournament of Champions; it was established in order to highlight competition between the highest competing national circuit debaters in the country. Roughly twelve thousand congressional debaters competed in speech and debate tournaments this year—there were forty-nine national tournaments and two hundred and ninety one students received a bid to the Tournament of Champions.
Of all of the debate events, Congressional Debate is stylistically closest to the debate that takes place on the house or senate floor. It demands students be conversant in parliamentary procedure, proficient in extemporaneous speaking, adept at research skills, and skillful in the art of cross-examination. The National Speech and Debate Association explains that “Congressional Debate is a simulation of the U.S. legislative process. In this event, students generate a series of bills and resolutions for debate and alternate delivering speeches for and against the topic in a group setting. Students are assessed on their research, argumentation, and delivery skills, as well as their knowledge and use of parliamentary procedure.”
When asked about his achievement Anish had this to say: “This year, it has been amazing to witness my competitive and personal growth. From my first-ever national final at the Glenbrook Invitational to finishing 3rd at Emory and now championing the Tournament of Champions, I could not be more grateful for all of opportunity that this year has brought. However, I am especially thankful for my teachers, friends, and family who have supported me at each step of my journey! Although most of my tournaments occurred virtually, I have loved this competitive season; the connections formed, lessons learned, and friendships made will continue to inspire me as I move forward. Above all, I want to thank Mr. Reichle for everything he has done for me – whether from 6 AM pre-finals prep sessions to dozens of pages of international relations evidence – I would not have reached this milestone without him.”
Snow White
Buy Tickets HERE.
Advanced theater Project End-of-Semester Acting Showcase
Lower School Dance Celebration
May 11 at 3:30 pm
Dining Hall
Lower School Dancers and their families have received an invitation to this special event!
Fine Arts Faculty Member Gives Cum Laude Speech
Technical Theater Director and Scenic Designer Patrick Cunningham was invited to be this year’s Cum Laude Society of Texas Initiation Ceremony Speaker on Thursday, April 28. Mr. Cunningham spoke about how theater is a collaborative art form and how by working together we all lift one another up. Fitting words for our new inductees! Congratulations to all!
senior send-off
Middle and Upper School Dance Reveal
Middle and Upper School Dance Reveal
Dancers in Forms 6-8 were celebrated with a special luncheon with Dance Faculty on April 27th. Students were recognized for their tremendous success in dance this year. Form 8 and Form 12 Intensive Ballet Dancers received a certification or completion at their division level and all Form 8 and 12 dancers received a special Dance Pin. Form 12 Dancers were celebrated with a special ballet keepsake.
In addition, the Middle School Upper School Ballet for 2023 was revealed. The production will the classic: Giselle!
Senior Night - Track and Field
Track & Field Seniors Honored
Please join the athletics department in congratulating our senior track and field athletes as we take the time to thank them for their commitment to their team and school.
Remy White
- Remy has attended SMH for 15 years, a lifer, and has participated in track and field for 7 years.
- Remy plans to attend Oklahoma University, and plans to major in global engineering, environment, and resources.
- Remy’s track and field honors include Academic All-State, 3rd place in High Jump at state, school record holder 4x100 and 4x200.
- Remy’s other extracurricular activities include varsity volleyball captain, national charity league, sports council captain, and varsity women’s lacrosse.
- Remy’s favorite track and field memory is playing music during practice, laughing, and having a good time.
Alex Alvarez
- Alex has attended Saint Mary’s Hall for 4 years and has participated in track and field for 1 year.
- Alex plans to attend LSU and major in Architecture.
- Alex participates in the 110 and 300 hurdles and the 4x100 relay.
- Alex’s other extracurricular activities include Varsity football and student council.
- Alex’s favorite track and field memory is practicing hurdles with his brother at practice.
We are so proud of these two senior track and field athletes. We are thankful for the leadership, hard work, and dedication they have invested into the SMH track and field program. These student-athletes have helped solidify the proud tradition of Barons Track and Field for those who follow them.
Track and Field Regional Qualifiers
Saint Mary's Hall is proud of our seven Individual District Champions at the TAPPS 5A District 4 Championship Meet April 21st, with one new school record and 15 regional qualifiers in twelve different events. See the results below:
Saint Mary's Hall District 4 Individual Champions are:
- Chris Chan '24 - 800 Meters (2:00.74)
- Alex Alvarez ' 22- 100 High Hurdles (19.77)
- Nico Zavala '24 - Pole Vault (11'0) NEW SCHOOL RECORD
- Madison Winston ' 25 - 100 Meters (13.47)
- Ainsley Hunter '23 - Triple Jump (32'7")
- Remy White '22 - High Jump (4'6")
- Ria Menta ' 24 - Pole vault (8'0")
Other Regional Qualifiers:
- Patrick Lang ’23 - 400 Meters (2nd place 54.49) /High Jump (2nd place 6'0")/Pole Vault (2nd place 9'6")
- Men's 4 x 400 Meter Relay Team (2nd Place 3:42.25) Ian Garza ' 25, Hayden Hoelscher '24, George Morrill '25, Chris Chan '24
- Ainsley Hunter '23 - 100 Meter Hurdles (2nd place 18.21)
- Emily Ton ' 25 - Triple Jump (2nd place 32'4")
- Adele Davidson ' 23- Pole Vault (2nd place 7'0")
- Lainey Hopkins '23 - High Jump (4'0")
- Women's 4 x 200 Meter Relay Team (2nd Place 1:56.03) Madison Winston '25, Abby Lee ' 24, Ainsley Hunter '23, Remy White '22
3rd Place Medalists:
- George Morrill 400 Meters 56.45
- Men's 4 x 100 Meter Relay 47.34 Nico Zavala '24, Hayden Hoelscher, Zach Alvarez ' 25, Alex Alvarez
- Emily Ton 100 Meter Hurdles 19.14
- Madelaine Chbeir’ 25 300 Meter Hurdles 56.80
- Madison Winston '25 High Jump 3'10"
- Grace Ogden '23 Pole Vault 7'0"
- 4 x 100 Meter relay 54.81 Madison Winston '25, Riah Mehta, Sophia Holder ' 24, Remy White '22
- 4 x 400 Meter Relay 4:41.28 Grace Ogden, Madison Winston '25, Kate Whittington '24, Abby Lee
Golf District Champs!
Golfers win District - Advance to Regionals
Julia Garcia ‘23, Austin Ottmers ‘24, Jack Archer ‘22, Andrew Fisher ‘22, King Kleberg ‘22 and Jackson White ’23 represented Saint Mary's Hall at the TAPPS 5A District Golf Tournament Tuesday at Rebecca Creek. SMH showed up ready to play and the end results were impressive.
With a score of 70 (-2) Julia Garcia bested her fellow competitors in the district to bring home the tournament championship for the second year in a row. Not to be outdone, the men's team finished in second place led by tournament champion, Austin Ottmers, with a score of 75.
Congratulations to all of the team members, as both Men’s and Women’s sides will be advancing to the Regional round at Gleannloch Pines Golf Club in Spring, Texas on Monday, May 2nd.
Senior Night - Baseball
Baseball Seniors Honored
Please join the athletics department in congratulating all of our seniors and thanking them for their commitment to the SMH baseball program.
#18 – Pitcher/Outfielder, Jake Rouse
- Jake has attended Saint Mary’s Hall for 11 years and played baseball for 7 years.
- Jake is deciding between Texas A&M and the University of California San Diego for next fall. He plans to major in Computer Science.
- Jake’s other extracurricular activities include basketball his Freshman and Sophomore years.
- Jake’s favorite baseball memory is the time Coach Baker wrote the team a motivational speech and printed it out for everyone to read. After reading it, we took the paragraph and graded it like our English teachers would grade an essay of ours. It got a passing grade of C+.
#19 – First Baseball, Donovan Bowley
- Donovan has attended Saint Marys’ Hall for 15 years and played baseball for 7 years.
- Donovan will attend Worcester Polytechnic Institute and plans to double major in Chemistry.
- Donovan’s extracurricular activities include recently receiving his Eagle Scout, Honor Council member, and playing soccer for 3 years.
- Donovan’s favorite baseball memory is hitting is first high school home run.
Senior Manager – Alex Glast
- Alex has attended Saint Mary’s Hall for 4 years and played baseball for 2 years and managed for 2 years.
- Alex Plans to attend Syracuse University or the University of St. Andrew’s in Scotland next fall. He plans to major in film.
- Alex’s other extracurricular activities include cinema.
- Alex’s favorite baseball memory is post game team celebrations in the clubhouse.
We are so proud of this senior group of young men. We are thankful for the hard work and dedication that our seniors have invested into the SMH baseball program. These young men have helped solidify the proud tradition of Barons Baseball for the players who follow them.
Summer Sports Performance and Exercise Science Training Program
As we all make plans for summer, we are excited to share this information regarding summer training for SMH athletes.
Led by Saint Mary's Hall Director of Sports Performance and Athletic Mindset and our team of coaches, SMH Athletics is proud to continue this unique summer training program initiative. This is not a sport-specific training program. This multi-faceted summer sports performance program is designed with the busy summer lifestyle of the SMH Upper School student-athlete in mind. With a holistic methodology concentration for both male and female student-athletes, SMH Sports Performance coaches focus on in-depth emphasis of all-around athletic functional performance and injury reduction capability with a detailed concentration on nutritional and recovery education.
Rising F8 - F12 SMH student-athletes are encouraged to attend. Please take a look at the 2022 Summer Sports Performance & Exercise Science Training Camp power point which provides all the information you need.
Registration Start Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Registration End Date: Friday, May 13, 2022
To Register and Pay: Visit the SMH Athletics