NFTH: January 13, 2020
- From the Head of School
- Upper School
- Middle School
- Lower School
- Fine Arts
- Athletics
- Chapel Corner
- Healthy at the Hall
From the Head of School
From the Head of School
Dear Saint Mary's Hall Community,
Oh, What A Day! A Day of Delights at SMH
The faculty, staff, and I have the exceptional pleasure of spending each school day with your remarkable children, on this gorgeous campus … daily front-row witnesses to the extraordinary opportunities and tremendous creativity and successes of our talented student body. As I left campus Friday, I paused and reflected on my day, and how much wonder and joy it inspired in me as an educator and as an SMH parent:
- Before school, our Form 4 son, George, had his first day of basketball practice. When I look at George, and most all Lower School students, Teach Us Delight In Simple Things immediately comes to mind. Many students (and adults) would find a before school, early morning practice a chore, but not George. Much like Christmas morning, he was up and at ’em at 5:40am, wanting to know why I was not dressed yet to take him to practice. And as you can see from the photos of this practice I’ve included in the slideshow (below), all of these Form 4 athletes were taking extreme delight in their first practice. And I am compelled to interject here my profound gratitude to all our Lower School parent volunteer coaches. What a blessing.
- After my bi-weekly meeting with the Division Heads (which I always thoroughly enjoy as a “think tank” of independent school leaders), I was visited by Form 4 student Myrka Alvarez who was serving as head of Lower School for the day. Throughout her day, Myrka met with virtually every member of the senior administration team, and she had prepared exceptionally thoughtful questions to ask each of us. I would now feel good about leaving the leadership of our school in her great care! Again, what a delight.
- During Upper School lunch, I saw a special student recognition: Senior Thomas Garrett participated in and won the Jefferson Bank Investor Challenge, hosted by the University of the Incarnate Word's H-E-B School of Business and Administration. The challenge consisted of attending one week of classroom instruction during the summer followed by a 20-week long stock market simulation, during which Thomas was able to nearly double his money (a 94% return!). In the history of this program, Thomas’s gain was by far the most of any student.
- Also during lunch, the Colgate University’s acapella choir performed a concert for Middle and Upper School students. Talk about a dynamic tour-de-force! Everyone in attendance had a huge grin on their face, and I haven’t stopped tapping my toe since. It was especially fun to see the group serenade our Director of Fine Arts Bethany Bohall!
These four moments were only a few special happenings in my day. What is extraordinary to think about is that every teacher and every student could easily contribute their own four special, memorable moments from their day. This is the magic of being in a school, especially one as special as Saint Mary’s Hall.
Teach Us Delight In Simple Things,
Jonathan Eades
Head of School
Upper School
Upper School
Quarter 2 Grades and Semester 1 Grades
Grades will be posted by 4pm on Tuesday, January 14.
Be sure to check My Backpack on the SMH Community Portal to see Quarter 2 grades, Semester 1 grades, and comments for any student whose Semester 1 grade included a C- or less, for any student whose Semester 1 grade dropped more than 10 points compared with their Quarter 1 grade, or for any student who did not pass their final exam. We will review grades and discussing goals and plans for success in Semester 2 during Advisory on Wednesday, January 15.
Baron Alumnae Share the Value of SMH with Form 8
On December 17, recent SMH alumnae returned to campus to reconnect with classmates, teachers, and other beloved SMH personnel. After a hearty dose of Mexican food from SAGE Dining Services®, a few of these graduates met with the entire Form 8 class to discuss the important role their SMH education played in their success in college. Their comments centered around the relationships they were able to build and sustain in such a caring, supportive environment, and the academic skills they had mastered before entering college that their university peers had not. Thanks to the following beloved Barons for sharing their time and experience with the members of the SMH Graduating Class of 2024:
- Kaitlynn Cooper (Class of 2019)
- John Janes (Class of 2017)
- Dante Jarrett-Izzi (Class of 2018)
- Alexander Jimenez (Class of 2019)
- Aamu Karla (Class of 2016)
- Maggie Kelleher (Class of 2017)
- Rachel Maurer (Class of 2017)
- Lindsey Rochelle (Class of 2017)
- Sallie Rochelle (Class of 2017)
- Ben Zeller (Class of 2019)
- Emily Zeller (Class of 2019)
Saint Mary’s Hall will host a Parent Coffee on Wednesday, February 5 from 8am - 9:30am in the Remmert Theater to view Screenagers from physician and filmmaker Delaney Ruston. The film’s run time is 67 minutes and will be followed by a brief discussion. Below is the film’s synopsis:
Are you watching kids scroll through life, with their rapid-fire thumbs and a six-second attention span? Physician and filmmaker Delaney Ruston saw that with her own kids and learned that the average kid spends 6.5 hours a day looking at screens. She wondered about the impact of all this time and about the friction occurring in homes and schools around negotiating screen time — friction she knew all too well.
In Screenagers, as with her award-winning documentaries on mental health, Delaney takes a deeply personal approach as she probes into the vulnerable corners of family life, including her own, to explore struggles over social media, video games, academics, and internet addiction. Through poignant, and unexpectedly funny stories, along with surprising insights from authors, psychologists, and brain scientists, Screenagers reveals how tech time impacts kids’ development and offers solutions on how adults can empower kids to best navigate the digital world and find balance.
Please contact Wellness Director Dr. Sandra Lopez-Morales at with questions.
No Home Work Night
Reminder that there will be an All-School No Homework Night on Friday, January 17. This means SMH essentially has a no homework long weekend. Enjoy time with your families and the celebration of our national holiday, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on January 20!
Mrs. Severe Hosts Some Recent SMH Alumni
Upper School Social Studies Teacher Jill Severe was pleased to see a few of her former students return to campus to visit and chat with her Form 10 students. Diego Andrade (Class of 2018) now at the College of William and Mary, Frankie Martinez (Class of 2019) now at Texas Tech, and Daniel Jones (Class of 2018) now at Louisiana State University, took some time to share how their SMH experience has helped them in their college careers. Mrs. Severe said, “They were so appreciative of being in our Upper School.” Congratulations to these successful Barons! We hope the sophomores with whom they met will repay the favor a few years down the road.
Health and Wellness Class Update
Health and Wellness starts this semester with the Upper School!
Health and Wellness Educator Amelia Teodosio began the first lesson with a simple activity where students talked about their family values and upbringing, and how that affects their current health.
One student said, “I’m glad we have this class. You get to learn about each other, and that everyone goes through the same things. Sometimes I see people all happy, and getting As, but I don’t realize they have similar problems like I do.”
We are looking forward to a great year of learning more about ourselves and each other!
The Week Ahead
For a look at everything that's happening in the Upper School this week (including college visits to SMH, varsity and JV games, important assemblies, meetings, and upcoming birthdays), please read The Week Ahead.
Faculty Spotlight
This week’s spotlights feature Amelia (“Ami”) Teodosio and Shakira Johnson.
Amelia "Ami" Teodosio (Health and Wellness)
Health and Wellness Educator Amelia (“Ami”) Teodosio began her SMH careera little more than a year ago on January 6, 2019, when she came in as the new Form 9 Health and Wellness teacher. Since then her role has expanded (by design) to include the Middle School this past fall semester, and will continue to grow next school year when she launches the Form 11 Health and Wellness course. Ami hails from Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, which is just outside of Minneapolis, and earned her Bachelor of Arts from the University of Minnesota with a major in Communications and a minor in Management. She also earned a second major in Spanish, but please don’t test her mastery of español. She’s a little rusty. Thus far, her favorite SMH memory is when Head of Upper School Brent Spicer asked her how things had gone at the end of her first day. “I balked. I was a nervous wreck. It was hard to jump into everything, and I had a baby, and there were so many things going on … but none of that was true or accurate. I love it here and I’m having a great time!”
Ami shared that something her colleagues might not know about her is that she’s “big into doing things that spark joy,” and she’s also a follower of the Konmari Method: a de-cluttering method professed by Marie Kondo, author of The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Her favorite restaurant in San Antonio is Phoenix Chinese Café, where she likes to order the fried rice and fried chicken wings. If she could have any other career, it would be as an interior designer or someone who stages houses. In addition, if Ami could have her dream car, it would be an RV “that’s beautiful on the inside” so she can travel near and far. We’ll set her loose on the Upper School lost and found closet soon so she can spark some joy and declutter that locale. SMH is glad you are here for so many reasons, Ami!
Shakira Johnson (Economics)
Upper School Economics Teacher Shakira Johnson is a homegrown San Antonio gal. She went to Churchill High School and got both her Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in Economics from The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), where she also serves as a lecturer. She was almost a nursing major, but soon before completing that degree realized the terrifying truth (to her) that if she finished, she’d actually need to become a nurse. SMH economics students are glad she made the choice to switch majors, but her children Paris (Form 12), Aspen (Form 11), and Drake (Form 2) did not escape the health knowledge their mother had already gained. She said, “I didn’t let them eat fast food … at all.” Shakira began teaching at SMH in 2012 and her favorite memory so far is from her very first SMH class. “It was so fun, and so different from teaching college, to connect with students on a daily basis,” she shared. What people who don’t really know her might not realize is that, in addition to teaching at SMH and at UTSA, she also teaches Pilates. She likes it because, “People always leave happy. That’s not always the case at school … especially after a test.”
Shakira shared that she went to South Padre for her senior year spring break and that if she could travel anywhere, it would be to New Zealand “because it’s just so far away.” When having lunch at SMH, she loves the homemade chicken tenders from SAGE Dining Services®. However, when she eats out, her favorite restaurant dish is the bacon-fried rice from Sushihana. Hmmmm. Let’s re-cap: fast food = not allowed; bacon fried rice = favorite. Shakira, so complex!
Middle School
Middle School
No Classes on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Holiday – January 20.
Monday, January 20 is an All-School holiday.
This will be a no homework weekend for all students. Enjoy your family time together!
Saint Mary’s Hall will host a Parent Coffee on Wednesday, February 5 from 8am - 9:30am in the Remmert Theater to view Screenagers from physician and filmmaker Delaney Ruston. The film’s run time is 67 minutes and will be followed by a brief discussion. Below is the film’s synopsis:
Are you watching kids scroll through life, with their rapid-fire thumbs and a six-second attention span? Physician and filmmaker Delaney Ruston saw that with her own kids and learned that the average kid spends 6.5 hours a day looking at screens. She wondered about the impact of all this time and about the friction occurring in homes and schools around negotiating screen time — friction she knew all too well.
In Screenagers, as with her award-winning documentaries on mental health, Delaney takes a deeply personal approach as she probes into the vulnerable corners of family life, including her own, to explore struggles over social media, video games, academics, and internet addiction. Through poignant, and unexpectedly funny stories, along with surprising insights from authors, psychologists, and brain scientists, Screenagers reveals how tech time impacts kids’ development and offers solutions on how adults can empower kids to best navigate the digital world and find balance.
Please contact Wellness Director Dr. Sandra Lopez-Morales at with questions.
Semester 1 Report Cards
Report cards for Semester 1 will be posted on the portal for your review by 4pm on Tuesday, January 14. We ask that you take some time to read through the grades, conduct marks, and any comments prior to your advisor conference on Wednesday, January 22. Please refer any questions you may have directly to the teachers.
Middle School Speech Prepares for Competitions
The SMH Middle School Speech team is hard at work preparing for their next competition. The team will travel to Houston, February 28 - March 1, where they will compete in one of the most difficult tournaments of the season at Olle Middle School.
Save the Date!
Middle School Student/Parent/Advisor Conferences will take place on Wednesday, January 22 between 8am and 4pm in the advisors’ classrooms or offices. There will be no Middle School classes, and students are required to attend the conferences with their parents (Upper School and Lower School will have regular classes that day).
Students will prepare for their conferences over the next two weeks by reviewing their grades and comments, reflecting on what went well for them in Semester 1, and identifying what they need to improve for Semester 2 by setting goals and making plans to achieve them.
You will be able to sign up for your conference with your student’s advisor on the SMH Community Portal (just as you did in August) after 4pm on Monday, January 13. Just follow these instructions. Conferences will be student-led, so be ready to listen and learn from your student!
Lower School
Lower School
Kindergarten Went “Virtual” with New Lower School VR Technology
Right before the Christmas Break, Kindergarten Teacher Jenny Graf’s class experienced the thrill of a sleigh ride with Santa and driving a team of reindeer in a snowy scene — all through the magic of virtual reality (VR)!
With guidance and help from Lower School Librarian and Instructional Technologist Linda Wells, students in Room 6 enjoyed using the Lower School’s new VR glasses and immersion in a virtual world.
When Mrs. Graf’s students returned to school, they made New Year’s resolutions (pictured in the slideshow on the right). Here are a few:
- Keep my room clean all day and my toys.
- Build 20 Lego sets and get 40 packs of Pokémon.
- Play with my dog.
- Do things for others, like tying their shoes.
- Run more.
- Stop looking at my iPad.
It looks like Robert Fulghum could have been correct, maybe, all you need to know you do learn in Kindergarten. This marks the 25th anniversary of his book, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten: Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things, might be time for a re-read. Happy New Year!
Mark Your Calendars … STEAM Adventure!
Forms 3, 4, and 5 students and families are invited to experience STEAM Adventure on Tuesday, January 28 from 5:30pm – 7pm in the Alonso Ancira Event Center. There will be different tables for students and families to participate in a variety of science and technology related learning. Cheesy Jane’s will be available for families to purchase dinner or treats.
Saint Mary’s Hall will host a Parent Coffee on Wednesday, February 5 from 8am - 9:30am in the Remmert Theater to view Screenagers from physician and filmmaker Delaney Ruston. The film’s run time is 67 minutes and will be followed by a brief discussion. Below is the film’s synopsis:
Are you watching kids scroll through life, with their rapid-fire thumbs and a six-second attention span? Physician and filmmaker Delaney Ruston saw that with her own kids and learned that the average kid spends 6.5 hours a day looking at screens. She wondered about the impact of all this time and about the friction occurring in homes and schools around negotiating screen time — friction she knew all too well.
In Screenagers, as with her award-winning documentaries on mental health, Delaney takes a deeply personal approach as she probes into the vulnerable corners of family life, including her own, to explore struggles over social media, video games, academics, and internet addiction. Through poignant, and unexpectedly funny stories, along with surprising insights from authors, psychologists, and brain scientists, Screenagers reveals how tech time impacts kids’ development and offers solutions on how adults can empower kids to best navigate the digital world and find balance.
Please contact Wellness Director Dr. Sandra Lopez-Morales at with questions.
Reading Beyond Books
Keep things interesting at home and try mixing things up in 2020. Lower School Reading Specialist Lindsay Rouse said, “Don’t be afraid to spend time with your children reading things instead of traditional books!” Check out this article, Beyond Books: 6 Fun Things for Kids to Read, for some great ideas.
News from the Lower School Library
Author Visit
Nationally recognized author Nancy Loewen will visit with Forms 2 - 4 on Wednesday, January 15 in the Coates-Seeligson Theatre/Chapel for a presentation and will then conduct a writing workshop with Form 2. Form 2 teachers use Ms. Loewen’s Writer’s Toolbox series in their writing curriculum.
Bluebonnet Books
Bluebonnet voting is just around the corner for Forms 3 - 5. All students in these forms are eligible to vote if they have read at least five of the nominated 20 books. Bluebonnet voting begins the week of January 21. Please encourage your student to vote.
The Lower School Library currently has stocked all of the new 2020-2021 Bluebonnet books for our young readers.
Overdue Books
The Lower School Library has a large number of overdue library books at this time due to the book fair and the holiday break. Please check those shelves at home for missing books.
2020 Vision in Form 1
Form 1 students returned to school with 2020 vision! Their New Year project made them reflect on the best happenings in 2019 and on setting personal and school goals. It was a fun way to kick off a new year!
Fine Arts
Tobin Fine Arts School
Director's Corner
This time of year is when many of us turn to looking at ways to improve our health.
According to recent studies, viewing art may hold the key for improved health, a more focused and creative mind, and as a way to change how one thinks about others. Viewing art also as the benefit of touching one's emotions. A recent article from details the benefits of viewing art, and why attending art exhibitions should be an essential part of our lives.
This week marks the opening of the Upper School Art Show in the Coates-Seeligson Theater/Chapel galleries and the Marrs and Verna McLean Library Complex. The exhibition features the work of our Upper School artists, photographers, and sculptors. The exhibition runs through February 7.
We invite you to attend this exhibition to see how the arts can improve your health, mind, and soul.
Artily yours,
Bethany Bohall
Wanda Wiley Atkinson Director of Fine Arts
Tobin Fine Arts School at Saint Mary’s Hall
(210) 483-9253
Fine Arts Events
Middle & Upper School Ballet Production
Middle & Upper School Ballet Production
all day
Montessori, Kindergarten, and Forms 1 & 2 Dance Production Photos
Fine Arts Social Media
Check out the Fine Arts Instagram page. This account is a great way to get an up-close and personal look at the day-to-day excitement in these amazing, ever-buzzing programs. In addition, check out Saint Mary’s Hall main social media channels for more Fine Arts news
on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
Men’s Basketball Off to a Fast Start in the New Year
The men’s varsity basketball team came back from break early with the first athletics event of the 2020 New Year.
The Barons took on St. Andrews Episcopal in a program-wide (freshmen, junior varsity, varsity) matchup.
The varsity team got off to a slow but expected start after taking a two-week break for the holiday. What was a closer than necessary game, turned into a runaway for the Barons with a 57-42 victory over the Highlanders. Scoring was led by senior Ben Eugster, with 22 points in the contest. The freshmen team picked up a 74-43 victory, with the junior varsity team dropping 34-55.
With their second contest after the break, the Barons took the drive to Austin to take on the Brentwood Christian Bears. The program came away with a clean and decisive sweep, with each team winning in dominating fashion. The Barons varsity team won, 87-38.
The Barons take on St. Michael’s Catholic School on Tuesday, January 14 at home, in a program-wide matchup.
Dane Huggins Joins the Thousand Point Club
At the Barons recent away basketball game against Brentwood Christian, senior Dane Huggins became the fourth member of the 1,000-point club on the Barons men’s varsity basketball team. The Athletics Department would like to congratulate Dane on reaching this tremendous milestone. Keep up the great work, and Go Barons!
SMH Physical Education Leading the Way
As part of the Saint Mary’s Hall Strategic Plan, and the consistent drive to become a hub of education, the Physical Education Department hosted a six-hour professional development seminar for Lower and Middle School coaches. Educators from the 25 different local and area schools gathered in the Alonso Ancira Event Center to hear from one of the leading minds in the physical education field.
SMH flew in National Board Certified PE teacher, JD Hughes, to instruct the workshop. J.D. provides a challenging yet developmentally appropriate physical education learning environment striving for motor-skills and social-skills development, physical fitness and cognitive awareness as recognized by SHAPE America National Standards.
J.D. has published five books and produced four related DVDs including No Standing Around in My Gym, PE2theMax, PE2theMax II, PE², HyPEd Up, and HyPEd Up II. He has been the featured presenter and co-presenter at more than 140 local, state, and national workshops and conventions sharing his ideas and enthusiasm for teaching with thousands of physical educators.
SMH Associate Athletic Director Katrina Benoist said, “Our coaches had a great time learning new concepts and ideas while getting to participate in some very fun activities. It will enhance our PE curriculum as we introduce the activities to our students.”
Saint Mary’s Hall takes pride in offering professional coaches to our community. Having our coaches on campus and participating in professional development is just one way we strive to have best practices on a daily basis.
Soccer Program Takes Down the Cougars
The Barons varsity soccer program had a strong start to the beginning of the 2020 year, as both men’s and women’s teams took the short drive to Fort Sam Houston to take on the Cougars.
The women’s team led the double header off with a 4-1 victory over the Cougars. Sophomore Hunter Hoelscher scored two goals, while fellow sophomore Georgia Kemmet added one of her own. Junior Whitney McCormick finished off the Cougars with the Barons fourth goal of the night.
The men’s team had the night cap in what was a close back-and-forth match for the entire 80 minutes. Goals scored by senior Ryan Schendel and senior Javier Hernandez saw the game head to penalty kicks. Junior goalkeeper David Flores came up with a big save to help propel the Barons to the 4-2 victory over the Cougars.
Both programs headed to tournaments this past weekend with the women’s program in Fredricksburg, and the men’s program defending their title at the Judson Tournament.
Shields Up!
You may notice this new hand gesture, and the #shieldsup on social media. Shortly before SMH’s big rivalry game against Alamo Heights, student body representatives got together to come up with our own hand symbol for the upcoming game. Thinking along the lines of the “Hook ‘em Horns,” or the “Gator Chomp,” these students came up with "Shields Up!" This is a representation of the Barons’ shield. Shields have always been a symbol for defense. The very nature of a shield is to protect. It protects from danger, risk, or other unpleasant experiences. This is a tremendous show of school pride created by the students. Help keep this movement rolling protect school spirit by throwing your shields up at the next game you attend.
Impacts of Early Sport Specialization
In a recent influx of research on early sport specialization, many papers have been drafted detailing its effects. National Leadership Council Member Dr. Joe Donahue shared some of the latest reports from Seth Cheatham, Mia Smucny, and several other professionals. Here is a link to the summary of the impacts of early youth sport specialization.
Athletics Livestream Channel
Can't make it to the game? Tune in from home or while on the go via any device to watch SMH sports events live as they unfold. You can also relive the glory again and again, as all events are archived for future access. When you follow us on Livestream, you'll get updates anytime we add or update an athletic event.
It's easy! Join Livestream today:
1. Go to
2. Click the black "Follow" button on our page.
3. Create an account using your email or connect with Facebook.
4. Sit back and enjoy the game!
Follow @SMH_Barons on Twitter
Chapel Corner
Chapel Corner
No Chapels Held Last Week
Due to the winter break, no Chapels were held on January 6. Stay tuned for more Chapel news next week.
A Look Ahead
Please note that Lower School Chapels for the new year are still in development, but will occur on the dates below. Topics for Middle and Upper School are given by date.
- January 13: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day reflections for all three divisions
- January 20: No Chapels will be held on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- January 27: A Talk on Positivity by Form 11 student Jennings Stuart in Upper/Middle School Chapels
- February 3: Bishops Chapel Society presentation in Upper School Chapel; Middle School topic TBD.
- February 10: Upper School English Teacher Megan Soukup will share her thoughts on life as a spiritual journey in Upper/Middle School Chapels.
- February 24: Lower School Chapel only, led by All-School Chaplain Rev. Dr. Cameron Gunnin
- February 26: Upper School/Middle School Ash Wednesday Chapels with All-School Chaplain Rev. Dr. Cameron Gunnin. As is tradition, ashes will be offered at a variety of times and locations throughout the day. Details coming soon.
Healthy at the Hall
Healthy at the Hall
Saint Mary’s Hall will host a Parent Coffee on Wednesday, February 5 from 8am - 9:30am in the Remmert Theater to view Screenagers from physician and filmmaker Delaney Ruston. The film’s run time is 67 minutes and will be followed by a brief discussion. Below is the film’s synopsis:
Are you watching kids scroll through life, with their rapid-fire thumbs and a six-second attention span? Physician and filmmaker Delaney Ruston saw that with her own kids and learned that the average kid spends 6.5 hours a day looking at screens. She wondered about the impact of all this time and about the friction occurring in homes and schools around negotiating screen time — friction she knew all too well.
In Screenagers, as with her award-winning documentaries on mental health, Delaney takes a deeply personal approach as she probes into the vulnerable corners of family life, including her own, to explore struggles over social media, video games, academics, and internet addiction. Through poignant, and unexpectedly funny stories, along with surprising insights from authors, psychologists, and brain scientists, Screenagers reveals how tech time impacts kids’ development and offers solutions on how adults can empower kids to best navigate the digital world and find balance.
Please contact Wellness Director Dr. Sandra Lopez-Morales at with questions.
Health and Wellness Class Update
Health and Wellness starts this semester with the Upper School!
Health and Wellness Educator Amelia Teodosio began the first lesson with a simple activity where students talked about their family values and upbringing, and how that affects their current health.
One student said, “I’m glad we have this class. You get to learn about each other, and that everyone goes through the same things. Sometimes I see people all happy, and getting As, but I don’t realize they have similar problems like I do.”
We are looking forward to a great year of learning more about ourselves and each other!