Welcome Back Barons

Welcome Back Barons

Each year, Saint Mary’s Hall invites our young alumni back to campus for the “Welcome Back Barons” lunch and roundtable, providing them an opportunity to reconnect with one another, catch up with their favorite teachers, and enjoy a beloved SMH tradition: Wednesday’s Mexican food lunch.

After lunch, alumni are invited to participate in a roundtable discussion with Head of School Len Miller and other administrators. During this engaging session, our alumni share valuable insights from their first semester of college. What have they learned? How well were they prepared? What advice do they have for current students? And, importantly, what could we have done better?

This meaningful exchange plays a vital role in helping us continually refine how Saint Mary’s Hall equips and prepares its graduates to thrive in college and beyond.

We are always delighted when our graduates share that their time management skills, ability to navigate insightful discourse, and comfort interacting with teachers are strengths they carry with them.

We are so grateful to everyone who took the time to come back and share their experiences with us!

Click here to view pictures of this year's Welcome Back Barons Luncheon and Roundtable!