The Saint Mary's Hall Spirit Store purchases textbooks for every student based on his/her individual course schedule. In July, the textbook listing for the upcoming year is posted on the web site. The textbook list contains the specific ISBN's, front covers, editions, etc. for each class.
Textbook Distribution for Middle and Upper School will be on the same day as Baron Bazaar in the Napier Gym. Lower School textbooks will be on the students' desk the first day of school. The cost of the textbooks will be applied to your student accounts.
At the end of the academic year, the Spirit Store will buy back textbooks in good condition (certain criteria applies) that were purchased through the Spirit Store.
Families interested in purchasing used textbooks will need to pre-order through the spirit for the upcoming school year in May. For more detailed information, please visit www.smhall.org/textbooks.
School Supplies
Supplies for the Lower School are pre-ordered and will be on the students' desk the first day of school. The cost of the school supplies will be applied to your student account.
The Middle School supply list is specific by grade (otherwise known as Forms). These supplies will need to be purchased exactly as stated:
Upper School does not have a required school supply list. However, on the first day of school, please bring a notebook, a pencil, and a pen. If a class has a required school supply, the teachers will inform the students on the first day of class.