Spiritual Life

Boys Praying - Spiritual Life at Saint Mary's Hall

In light of its history, Saint Mary’s Hall maintains many Christian-based traditions, symbols, and ceremonies, but does not seek to promote or favor one faith over others.

We also feel it is important to acknowledge and celebrate Christmas, Easter, and other major holidays of the faiths represented in our school. We believe the guidance, direction, and strength derived from one's faith plays a large part in the fulfillment of our school’s mission of producing ethical students with lifelong moral and spiritual values.

Saint Mary’s Hall recognizes and promotes the importance of a strong religious faith. To that end, students are exposed to many religions through the celebration of several important events.

Each division gathers for a time of worship and reflection each Monday in order to be inspired to love God and one another through music, scripture readings, and inspiring stories of faith & service.


Our school chaplain leads a non-denominational service, and students regularly participate in leadership roles by offering music, a reading, or presenting at the services. Our school chaplain is available for counsel, support for any special or religious needs, and prayer.


Guest speakers and students present frequently on a variety of topics including ...



All School Chaplain Cameron Gunnin

Cameron Gunnin
All-School Chaplain
(210) 483-9278

Statement of Religious Expression

Please refer to Saint Mary's Hall's Statement of Religious Expression to learn more about religion at Saint Mary's Hall.