Cheerleading Program Overview
The Upper School Varsity Cheerleading Program at Saint Mary’s Hall is on the rise. The team cheers at a full schedule of games with sports credits offered during the Fall and Winter seasons and coordinates with our Barons Club to help promote Barons Day and upcoming athletic events. The cheer team attends UCA camp every summer to instill solid leadership skills and learn the latest technique and trends in cheerleading. The mission of SMH cheerleading is to promote school spirit, as well as increase and enhance attendance at athletic events. SMH cheerleaders raise spirit by cheering and performing exciting routines at games, events, and pep rallies, hosting cheer clinics, and making posters to hype big games and tout the Baron teams, as well as sectioning off a student section at athletic competitions. Ultimately, the team looks to take their talents into their own competitions in the near future. Cheerleaders represent Saint Mary’s Hall within the community and at other schools with whom we compete. Interest in cheering at SMH continues to grow, and the cheerleading clinics offered to the Lower and Middle school students during the summer and regular season have proven successful, while remaining lots of fun! During the school year, clinics have been taught by the Varsity team to future Baron Cheerleaders, where the participants are able to perform during halftime of a football game. If you have lots of energy, school spirit, love to perform and cheer our Barons on with a smile, come join us! Get ready to sweat, work hard and start making muscles and great memories!
For more information contact:
Jenny Graf