In the Lower School, our students transfer their learning from the classroom to the real world through activities such as practicing the skills of scientific observation by walking through a local nature reserve, learning principles of fractions by visiting a pizzeria, or understanding the effects of force by flying in a wind tunnel.
Global & Experiential Learning
Know Oneself, Know Others, Know the World
The Office of Global & Experiential Learning prepares graduates to thrive, work, and learn globally, ensuring they are more than academically prepared; they possess the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to be world ready. We cultivate global competencies through a variety of curricular and co-curricular programs focused on three dimensions of learning: knowing oneself, knowing others, and knowing the world. Through field experiences, cultural exchanges, camping excursions, internships, international study, and innovative curriculum design, students transfer their learning to real-world contexts, develop critical self-awareness, and appreciate diverse perspectives so they can take meaningful action on local and global issues.
Experiential Learning Opportunities In Every Division
During Middle School, our students gain a better understanding of themselves and deepen their connection with the world through various activities such as participating in a ropes course, contributing to the community by assembling food packs at a local warehouse, or walking the historic battlefields at Gettysburg.
Our Upper School students prepare to meet the challenges of an increasingly complex world by addressing issues of food insecurity at a Model United Nations conference, pitching investment ideas to nationally renowned leaders in business, or building leadership skills by participating in a Duke of Edinburgh camping experience.
Why Does Global Competence Matter?
As we prepare our students for the workforce, global competence is an economic imperative.
Global competence is a key asset for the sustainability and health of our society.
Upcoming Global Travel Programs
The goal for the Greece and Italy trip for our Form 6 through 8 students is to broaden perspectives of the world, develop an understanding of diverse cultures and histories, and help develop a deeper understanding of themselves through cultural exploration and historical discovery.
Exploring Japan is a cultural immersion experience designed for Form 11- 12 students. Students will begin this immersive experience here on campus to prep for their visit to Japan through a Japanese cooking class, history and religion lessons, Japanese language classes, pen-pal exchanges with students from our sister school in Tokyo, and various other activities.
The Spain & Morocco program will explore the history and cultural heritage of both countries while learning about their connections and relationships. Students will visit iconic landmarks, experience Spanish and Moroccan crafts and cuisine, participate in hands-on cultural activities, engage with the local communities, and much more.
The goal of the Hawaii Marine Biology Trip is to immerse students into the Hawaiian Culture, encourage them to engage in learning that will inspire them to care for our planet, and ignite a passion for travel and learning!
From Tanzania to local museums, keep up to date with experiential learning at Saint Mary's Hall and read what our students are saying about their experiences around the world.
This experience is one that is so unique and vital for your growth and development as a globally educated person. This trip has truly changed my life and I now feel so connected to people outside of the bubble of SMH.
Meet the Team
Lisa Westergard has been at Saint Mary's Hall since 2004. Contact her at (210) 483-9116 or