Leadership - Board of Trustees

The Saint Mary’s Hall Board of Trustees determines and monitors the mission of the school, hires and supports the head of school, monitors fiduciary matters, and establishes general policies for the operation of the school. Saint Mary’s Hall is governed by a 25-member, self-perpetuating Board of Trustees.

An Executive Committee of eight members leads the Board and its five standing committees including the Executive Committee, Buildings & Grounds Committee, Community Engagement Committee, Finance Committee, and Investment Committee. Board members may serve two consecutive three-year terms.

Meet The Board of Trustees

Elise R. Boyan - Chair, Alumni Parent
Jay Bullock- Vice Chair, Alumni Parent
Fabiola Kaase - Treasurer, Parent
Emilie H. Petty '01 - Secretary, Parent
James (Jim) Greenwood - AtLarge Officer, Alumni Parent
Vikram Bajaj
Nikisha Baker – Parent, Alumni Parent
Kenneth Bethune '01, Alumni Board President
Paige Cheatham '14
Anatolio B. Cruz III - Parent, Alumni Parent
Yashika Dooley, M.D.
Melissa Garcia, M.D. – Parent, Alumni Parent
Samuel (Jason) Glast – Parent, Alumni Parent
Andrew Herdeg
Jeffrey Hons
Emily M. Jones - Parent, Alumni Parent
Claudia Kypuros, Ph.D. - Parent
Parnak Malek- Parent
Easton McNab '11
Soad L. Michelsen, M.D. - Parent
Allison Reyes '06
Flor Richards- Parent
Ryan Theuninck, Parent
Sheryl Tynes, Ph.D, Parent of Alumn
Edward H. Austin, Jr. - Trustee Emeritus
Ronald J. Herrmann - Trustee Emeritus, Grandparent
Connie McCombs McNab - Trustee Emerita, Grandparent