Advanced Placement Program

The College Board Advanced Placement Program® is a cooperative endeavor between secondary schools, colleges, and universities that allows students to pursue college-level studies while still in a secondary institution. Advanced Placement (AP®) classes provide a high quality, accelerated educational opportunity, and high scores on AP examinations provide the possibility of receiving advanced standing in course requirements, course credit, or both in a college or university.

Student Reading at Saint Mary's Hall Courtyard

Benefits of the AP Program

Advanced Placement classes at Saint Mary’s Hall are more challenging because they are considered the equivalent of college-level courses. In order to prepare students to be successful on the AP exams, teachers cover more in-depth course content and emphasize sophisticated academic skills, such as perceptive reading, critical thinking, and clear, concise writing. AP classes require energetic, committed, and motivated students.

Available AP Courses

Saint Mary’s Hall offers a wide variety of AP courses and exams in the following areas: Economics, English, Fine Arts, Government, History, Math, Science, and World Languages.

For a description of the AP courses offered, take a look at the Upper School Curriculum Guide.

AP Exam Results

We are proud to highlight how well our students fare on their AP exams:





2018 2019

Number of Exams

551 533 526 524 531

Total AP Students

231 225 247 224 210

AP Students with Scores 3+*

197 201 219 207 184

% of Total AP Students with Scores 3+

85% 89% 89% 92% 88%

*Scores of 3 or higher qualify students for college credit at most colleges and universities.